Program requirements are subject to change


Qualifications to Assist

LDT1 Successful attendance* at one LDT3 workshop OR three LDT1 workshops, pass the hands-on test and the approval of an LDT instructor.
LDT2 Satisfactory assistance** in at least two LDT1 workshops and the approval of an LDT instructor.
LDT3 Satisfactory assistance** in at least two LDT1 and one LDT2 workshop and the approval of an LDT instructor.
LDTA1 Satisfactory assistance** in at least one LDT3 and/or the approval of an LDT instructor. 

Instructor approval will require a brief hands-on test. All LDT courses are subject to Instructor recommendation.
TA assignments are given on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure that each TA provides information consistent with the Instructor, they must TA at least once every two years. If there is a lapse of two or more years, the TA may be requested to review or attend another course before assisting again.
If you cannot keep your TA commitment, we ask that you notify us at least 60 days before the class. Cancellations of confirmed TA positions with less than 60 days' notice, three times within 12 months, may subject you to a six to 12-month suspension. During this time, you will not be assigned to TA any classes, are not permitted to schedule for TA positions, and will not be listed as a TA in any printed publications. Following this period, re-application to the TA program will be required.
* Successful attendance is based on the Instructor, Teaching Assistant, and Staff evaluations of the participant.
**Satisfactory assistance is determined from assisting the entire workshop and scoring 4.0 or better from the Instructor, Participant, and Facilitator evaluations. Scores given are 1 - 5, 5 being excellent.


Guidelines for Assisting


The following TA guidelines have been developed to help make each workshop successful and enjoyable for all involved. The objective is always to create a safe, supportive environment for each student’s growth and education. Remember, we are working as a team. The better the assistants and instructors work as a unit, the better the class will run.

On the first day of class, please arrive 30 minutes before the beginning of the class to meet the instructor and other TAs for a brief meeting, meet the facilitator, and socialize with participants during registration. The instructor may ask you to attend other meetings throughout the class.
Make sure you know how the lights and temperature control work.

The instructor may ask you to introduce yourself on the first morning of the class so that the students know who you are. You may briefly explain how the LDT curriculum improved your practice.
On the other days, please be on time for class and all instructor demonstrations. Having someone enter the room after class or demos have started is very distracting.

Listen and observe the instructor’s demos carefully. When working with participants, please use the same hand positions used by the instructor, even if you learned the techniques differently. Variations tend to confuse participants. If you have a different opinion, please discuss it privately with the instructor during a break. It is very disruptive to debate techniques in front of class participants.

Please do not engage in side conversations during lectures and demonstrations.

Although there is no strict dress code, remember that you are representing the Chikly Health Institute. Dress comfortably yet professionally, and please avoid wearing dangling necklaces and bracelets while assisting participants.

Please be aware of your personal hygiene. Since this work is performed hands-on in such a close environment, it is not uncommon for participants to comment about offensive odors from others. Having some breath mints available is a good idea, especially after lunch or if you smoke. Many people are also highly allergic to perfumes, even essences. While we ask that you wear deodorant, please refrain from using anything with a heavy scent.

The most frequent complaint we hear from participants is that getting a TA’s attention is often difficult. This is why TAs need to divide up the room and circulate as much as possible to help anticipate problems. There is seldom a need to spend more than a few minutes at each table. Remember, you are in class to assist, not treat.

You may be requested to act as a table partner if an odd number of people are in attendance. Please assist when needed and alternate with the other TAs.

If you find you are answering the same question repeatedly or seeing several participants having difficulty applying a certain technique, please tell the instructor so that the whole class can address the issue. Also, if a student is asking an important or interesting question, you may suggest that he/she ask the instructor so that the entire class can benefit from the answer.

See the instructor during the break or after class if you have advanced questions.

Very important: Do not treat anyone, especially another TA, at any time during class days. You must abide by this rule for liability reasons.

If you have your hands on a participant during a practice session for more than a couple of minutes, you are treating, not assisting. This is a disservice to all participants.

Find a balance between helping the students and letting them learn. It is good for them to struggle a little, but you do not want them to get frustrated or discouraged. Please do not interrupt students unless their hand position is really “off” or if they ask for help. When you notice that students need help, enter their field and wait. When you feel invited, gently approach them and ask if it is OK to offer a suggestion. Be sensitive to their rhythm and concentration when they are practicing. Let students communicate what they think is happening. Confirm what they feel instead of saying anything that could shake their confidence. Positive reinforcement is very important. Tell participants what they are doing correctly and when they have it right.

At the end of the class, you will be asked to fill out a form that globally evaluates student skills. You only need to evaluate “extreme” students: those who are good or those who are having trouble.
You will also be evaluated by the instructor, participants, facilitator, and fellow TAs. These evaluations will be used to determine your progression as a TA. The score scale is: 5=excellent; 4=very good; 3=good; 2=fair; 1=poor.

Evaluation scores are averaged. To progress as an assistant, you need an average score of 4.0 or better from the instructor, participant, and facilitator evaluations. To become a certified teaching assistant, you will need average scores of 4.5 or better from the participant evaluations and 4.0 or better from each TA assignment's instructor, TA, and facilitator evaluations. TA certification status will be reviewed annually.

Please let the facilitator know if you have suggestions about the meeting site or ideas about new books, tapes, or other products. Please be respectful with suggestions. Selling your products/inventory while you are assisting is strictly forbidden.

Enjoy the class and have fun!

If you have additional suggestions for improving the quality of the TA experience, please feel free to forward them to CHI at StudentServices@chiklyinstitute.com.

You are one of our experts in the field, and we value your input.




Program requirements are subject to change.

Certification as a Lymph Drainage Therapy Teaching Assistant is based on successful assistance in at least nine classes.

These courses are to include no less than four LDT1, three LDT2, one LDT3, and one LDTA1 workshop. In addition, you must be a participant in at least one Heart Centered Therapy 1 (HCT1) workshop.
Certification status will be reviewed annually. You must assist at least one time per year and receive satisfactory scores to maintain your certification.

***Successful assistance is determined by assisting the entire workshop and scoring 4.5 or better from the Participant evaluations and 4.0 or better from the Instructor and Facilitator evaluations. Scores given are 1 - 5, 5 being excellent.




Please get in touch with the Chikly Health Institute if you would like to present any material from the LDT curriculum.

CHI takes pride in the quality of its presentation. For lectures longer than 3 hours or any hands-on professional demonstration, CHI must grant permission.

The Chikly Health Institute will provide you as much as possible with support and marketing material for your presentations.




Thank you for your interest in The Chikly Health Institute's Lymph Drainage
Therapy 1 Instructor Apprentice Program. 


Qualifications for Entry into the LDT1 Apprentice Program


  • Acceptance into the Apprentice Teaching Program
  • Completion of Advanced Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDTA1)
  • Completion of at least two Heart Centered Therapy workshops (Requirement is based on individual circumstances; to be determined by
  • curriculum Director)
  • Recommendation in writing by at least two LDT Certified Instructors
  • Acceptance by LDT1 Apprentice Program Director
  • Acceptance by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO  
  • Agreement with the terms of this program as indicated by a signed agreement
  • Professional licensure as a manual therapist
  • Professional insurance as a manual therapist
  • Submittal of Curriculum Vitae or Resume with class hours of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and all manual therapy classes taken when requested
  • Certification in CLTC (must be completed before Instructor Certification)



The Chikly Health Institute takes great pride in the quality of its Instructors.

To maintain this level of excellence, specific procedures involving teaching assisting, guest lectures, and precepting are in effect.

Becoming an LDT Instructor requires substantial time, effort, and investment on your part.

The apprentice program is designed to be a learning and development experience similar to a post-graduate master's program. As such, it is your responsibility to fulfill all the requirements necessary for certification.

As part of that responsibility, CHI trusts that the Apprentice will take the initiative to coordinate all aspects of their apprenticeship with the appropriate CHI personnel in a timely and organized manner.
Instructor Certification will be reviewed on an annual basis. The CHI reserves the right to revoke Instructor Certification at any time.
For LDT1 Instructor certification, the Apprentice must show proficiency in course content knowledge, clarity and accuracy of the information presented, and superior presentation style and ability. This proficiency will be determined through a series of guest lectures evaluated by instructors and participants and by the Apprentice Program Director reviewing presentation notes that the Apprentice needs to provide at least 30 days before each guest lecture. These notes help the apprentice focus and prepare for the workshop and indicate the Apprentice's level of preparation.

The following steps are required to become a CHI Certified LDT1 Instructor.


Step 1: Teaching Assistant Assignments

These are intended to allow the Apprentice to become more familiar with the course content, format, and standard CHI procedures. In addition, it allows the Apprentice to work with various Certified CHI Instructors to observe different teaching styles with consistent course content.
Satisfactory completion of at least:

  • Four LDT1
  • Two LDT2
  • Two LDT3
  • One LDTA1
  • At least two HCTs or more (to be determined by the Curriculum Director)

Teaching Assistant assignments with no lecture presentation are required before Step 2. Satisfactory completion of Teaching Assistant assignments is based upon evaluation by Certified Instructors, Teaching Assistants, Facilitators, Participants, and CHI staff.
At each Teaching Assistant (Step 1) and each guest lecture (Step 2) assignment, the Apprentice must satisfactorily perform an LDT session on the Instructor or other approved CHI representative.

Also, a written report evaluating the course material, sequence of presentation, quality of presentation, participant response, and course content learned by the Apprentice must be submitted to the program coordinator within three weeks of the completion of each class.


Step 2: Guest Lectures


A series of guest lectures eventually covering the entire LDT1 course content must be satisfactorily completed. At least 30 days before each lecture presentation on a predetermined subject, the Apprentice must submit two copies of his/her lecture outline and notes to the CHI program coordinator and one copy to the Instructor.
Guest lectures will be presented in the following four phases. Each phase must be successfully completed before progressing:

Phase 1:

The Apprentice will present one lecture and/or demonstration mutually agreed upon by the Apprentice, assigned Instructor, and program coordinator before the start of the workshop.

Phase 2:

On at least two separate occasions, the Apprentice will present up to three lectures and/or demonstrations mutually agreed upon by the Apprentice, assigned Instructor, and program coordinator before the start of the workshop.

Phase 3:

On at least two separate occasions, the Apprentice will present up to three lectures and/or demonstrations given by the assigned Instructor the night before each presentation.

Phase 4:

To ensure that the Apprentice is completely prepared for Instructing an entire class, the Apprentice must be prepared to present all lectures and/or demonstrations to the entire class at least once (lecture notes and outlines for the entire class must have been submitted by this time). The assigned Instructor will inform the Apprentice which lectures and/or demonstrations he/she will present just before the actual lecture and/or demonstration.
Satisfactory completion of the guest lectures will be based on evaluations by Instructors, Teaching Assistants, Facilitators, Participants, and CHI staff. Scoring will be on a 5-point scale:

  • Excellent: 5 points
  • Very Good:4 points
  • Good: 3 points
  • Fair: 2 points
  • Poor: 1 point

An Apprentice must receive a score of 4.5 or better from the participant and Instructor evaluations to be considered as passing each lecture.

Suspension of Apprentice status will occur if the Apprentice receives below 4.5 participant average evaluation scores on lectures:

  • Three classes in a row


  • Four total classes

Suspension of the Apprentice will also occur if he/she is not active (guest lecturing) at least once every six months.

If this occurs, reapplication into the Apprentice program is required.


Step 3: Presentation and Case Histories


Any time during the above two steps, but before LDT1 Instructor Certification, the Apprentice is required to present an introductory lecture of at least two hours at an organized function. This presentation can be held at such events as a state association meeting, a hospital or clinic in-service, a support group, or any function intended to introduce a group of individuals to the benefits of LDT. The Apprentice must also submit ten written case histories.
Instructor Certification will be awarded at CHI's discretion upon completing all three steps outlined above. CHI must feel confident that the intentions of the Apprentice are consistent with those of LDT and that proficiency has been demonstrated for course content knowledge, clarity and accuracy of information presented, and presentation style and ability.